Yumna is a turn-based game in which the player defeats different enemies to advance throughout stages and gain higher scores.

The player can move in 8 directions, either using the number pad (7,8, 9, 4, 6, 1, 2, and 3) or (Q, W, E, A, (S or X), D, Z, and C) to move up, down, left, right, and to any of the corners.

The player can also perform attacks using Space key, number pad key 5 

Some enemies can shoot the players, and as an indicator to danger zones, a red exclamation mark will appear before the enemy perform an attack.

Each turn enemies might move or attack depending on the situation.

There’s only one powerup item in the game which stuns enemies, and the effect of this item ends once the player hits an enemy.


Game Developer – Yassir Yamani

Concept Artist – Doaa yamani

Game Design – Abdulmalik Almunaiee

Game Developer – Abdulrahman Almunaiee


ymona_v1_1 154 MB


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اللعبة رهيبة ( ليت تيم تطويرها زيادة وتصير بدل جمع نقاط تصير مراحل )موفقين

لي ساعة أحاول أضغط أزرار القائمة، بعدين انتبهت انه لازم بالأزرار مش الماوس 😂

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شغل جميل، استمر 👏